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EC World Real Estate Investment Trust ANNUAL REPORT 2016



Dear Unitholders,

On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of

EC World Asset Management Pte. Ltd. (“the Manager”),

as Manager of EC World REIT (“ECW”), we are pleased to

present the report to ECW Unitholders for the Financial

Year ended 31 December 2016 (“FY2016”).

It was a monumental year for ECW, as we completed

the listing of ECW on the SGX-ST Mainboard on 28 July

2016. We are delighted to welcome prominent investors

like China Cinda Asset Management, Fosun International

Holdings, BOCOM International Global Investment

Limited, other investment fund managers and the many

retail tranche subscribers who had participated in the

successful IPO which, together with debt financing,

raised approximately SGD1.0 billion in total funding.

We are grateful to our financial, legal and audit

advisors for their effort and commitment in the

preparation of the IPO in order to ensure that the

listing was successful. At the same time, we wish to

express our appreciation to the Monetary Authority

of Singapore (“MAS”) and the Singapore Stock

Exchange (“SGX”) for granting us approval to list on

SGX-ST Mainboard. Lastly, we also give special mention

to the Independent Directors, Mr Chan Heng Wing,

Mr Wong See Hong, Mr Li Guosheng, and Mr Chia Yew

Boon, and the Executive Directors, Mr Lai Hock Meng

and Mr Goh Toh Sim, for their valuable contributions.

Since listing, the property portfolio of ECW has delivered

consistent growth and stable performance, and we are

glad to report that the performance for the period from

listing to 31 December 2016 exceeded the forecasts

in the IPO prospectus. On a pro-rated basis, the Gross

Revenue of ECW performed better than the forecast by

4.8% in terms of Singapore dollars, mainly due to the

higher contribution from the underlying assets in the five-

months period, as well as from the appreciation of the

Renminbi (“RMB”). Distributable Income also exceeded

forecast by 0.3% during the same period. These were

achieved despite the Manager’s decision not to proceed

with the investment of RMB301.7 million (approximately

SGD62.8 million) of security deposit received from the

Master Lease tenants into a managed portfolio of debt

securities, (which was the Manager’s intention at the time

of the IPO) as per our announcement of 4Q results dated

22 February 2017.

We have been able to strengthen the management team

of the Manager, with the additions of two veteran REIT

executives since January 2017. Mr Alvin Cheng Yu-Dong

(as Executive Director and Deputy CEO) and Mr Tng Chin

Hwee (as CFO) both have extensive experience in managing

cross-border REITs.

Since listing, the property

portfolio of ECW has delivered

consistent growth and stable

performance, and we are glad to

report that the performance

for the period from listing up to

31 December 2016 exceeded

the forecasts made in the

IPO prospectus.

Mr Zhang Guobiao


The year 2016 has seen heightened uncertainties across

the global political and economic landscape. These events

will have profound impact on the politics and economic

policies which drive financial markets and global trade.

We will monitor such developments closely to prudently

manage any risks and impact on ECW.